Twenty years now, where’d they go?

“Time flies, never to be recalled.”


Awhile back, as I took a long drive to nowhere in particular, I rolled my windows down and turned my radio up, listening to Bob Seger belt out “Like A Rock.”

It was a great song, but I smirked when Seger sang the lyric “Twenty years now, where’d they go?”

I was about 20 at the time and couldn’t fathom how 20 years could slip by anyone.

Twenty minutes, yes.

Twenty days, I guess. But 20 years? What was he smoking?

Years later, I sat down with a high school buddy of mine I hadn’t seen for awhile. We had traveled separately to Orlando for our 25-year high school reunion. We fell easily into the banter of good friends, just like at lunch in the high school cafeteria…. and my senior year didn’t seem that long ago. It felt like yesterday.

In fact, I had since graduated college, got married, had a baby, lost a parent, lived in several states, bought a house, worked for two decades in my career and lived a lifetime of experiences.

I couldn’t believe 25 years had passed.

Bob was right. My God, where’d they go?

Published by robertpeek

I live in Jacksonville, Florida and enjoy my work as a marketing and public relations professional.

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